ARAB3114-S1 Arabic in Use I-S1-2019-20

aیتضمن ھذا المقرر استخدامات اللغة العربیة في الترجمة، ویتمثل ذلك من خلال التركیز على القواعد النحویة والإملائیة الوظیفیة كمرحلة تالیة لما أخذه الطلاب في مرحلة السابقة لھذه المرحلة بتوسع أكبر في قواعد اللغة العربیة، والتعامل مع النصوص المختلفة وتدریب الطلاب علیھا وخصائصھا الفنیة.

  • الطلاب المسجلون: 68
ENGL3111-S1 English in the Workplace 1S1-2019-20

ENGL3111 is an introduction to models and skill basics of business communication. It is aimed to develop a foundation and understanding in and of the field of communication by exploring the breadth of available communication theories that encompass multidisciplinary boundaries from the critical tradition, cultural experiential information processing, psychology, meaning of signs, and sociology tradition. Students are introduced through this course to the general concepts of job environment they are likely to experience at workplace.

COMM3114-S1-1 Spoken English Communication I-S1-2019-20

The course is about one of the most basic, common sense, mundane yet complex activities that we as members of society engage in almost every day: talk and interaction. During the course, we examine the complex yet taken for granted ways in which we as members of society use language to construct meaning, make sense of ourselves and of others actions, and of the way we organize our social world through the ordinary everyday mundane taken for granted power of talk and interaction. From a theoretical perspective, the course introduces the approach to the study of social interaction known as conversation analysis. More specifically, students will be exposed to notions such as turn-taking organization, sequencing organization, overlap and repair as well as the techniques of conversation transcription. The course is explicitly designed to raise student’s awareness of the ways in which users of English apply a range of resources and methods in conversation (or interactional encounters) in an attempt to orient themselves towards a set of shared understandings.

LING3113-2019 Linguistics ( C ): Sentence Structure-ٍ1-2019-20

This course builds on the previous courses of Phonetics & Phonology (LING2123) and Morphology & Lexical Semantics (LING2223), and introduces the student to the higher level of linguistic analysis of Sentence Structure (Syntax). This involves identification of lexical categories as heads of phrases and the way these phrases are organized in linear and hierarchical orders in a simple sentence (NP, VP, PP, AP, AdvP).  Deep and surface structure distinctions are illustrated through various movement types and structural ambiguities with emphasis on sentence generation using tree-diagrams. More complex sentences are also analysed to illustrate the features of structure-dependency and recursion, and introduce CP constituents with Yes/No questions and Wh-questions.  Some further underlying elements such as empty categories are identified as further evidence for deep structure reality. On the whole, the course informs on how sentence meanings are mapped on syntactic (deep and surface) structures, and students familiarize themselves with illustrating these with ample tree-diagram practice. 

ENGL3112-S1-2019 Anglophone Literature

This course aims to introduce students to a selection of the rich diversity of cultural history and human values reflected in Anglophone writing produced in English speaking countries. Through short readings (essays, stories, poems, and plays), students learn to observe, understand and evaluate how literary texts work. The course introduces students to genre (prose, poetry, the short story, drama) and models for them the skills of close reading and comparative analysis. It equally trains students to observe, comprehend and evaluate how literary texts are written, and how to write effectively about their insights.

TRAN3111-S1-2019 Literary Translation

The course aims at initiating specialised translation. It exposes students to different types of literary texts and their figures of style with the objective of developing the necessary skills to deal with their translation.