LING3113-LING3121-2021S3  Linguistics (C): Sentence Structure  / Syntax

This course builds on the previous courses of Phonetics & Phonology (LING2113 - LING2123) and

Morphology & Lexical Semantics (LING2213 - LING2223), and introduces the student to the higher level of

linguistic analysis of Sentence Structure (Syntax). This involves identification of lexical categories as heads

of phrases and the way these phrases are organized in linear and hierarchical orders in a simple sentence

(NP, VP, PP, AP, AdvP).  Deep and surface structure distinctions are illustrated through various movement

types and structural ambiguities with emphasis on sentence generation using tree-diagrams. Complex 

sentences are also analysed to illustrate the features of structure-dependency, and introduce CP constituents

with Yes/No-questions and Wh-questions.  Some further underlying elements such as empty categories are

identified as further evidence for deep structure reality. On the whole, the course informs on how sentence

meanings are mapped on syntactic (deep and surface) structures, and students familiarize themselves with

illustrating these with ample tree diagram practice