CHEM4004 | Process & Control Systems Design

This course introduces students to the synthesis of a process flowsheet & process control system. Flexibility and operability of design. Control system synthesis for an entire flowsheet, basic instrumentation, feedback & feedforward control & discrete event system design. Integration of process modeling skills.
This subject introduces students to systematic procedures for synthesizing both process flow sheets and process control systems. The subject also covers PID feedback control and feedforward control, as well as discrete event control systems.
After successfully completing this course, the following objectives should be attained:
  1. Critical thinking: Improve critical thinking skills and creative thinking by solving problems that encourage the student to put in practice these skills.
  2. In depth learning of concepts: Students should understand the subject concepts in depth and be able to solve problems beyond those done in lectures and tutorials, involving these concepts.
  3. Knowledge of field: Understand the basic concepts and principles in control and control system design
  4. Problem solving: Formulate and solve control system problems, recalling of numerous equations and the restrictions and conditions under which each equation applies for the different control system.