BULA3101-2023S1 Contract Law
This course will cover in detail the nature of contracts and their essential elements, the legality of contracts and the legal capacity of the parties involved, and the conditions of contracts: implied and expressed terms, exclusion clauses, and transnational terms, as well as discharge of contracts and remedies.
BUIS3103-2023S1 Digital Business
This course is designed to introduce the concepts and nature of Digital-Business, doing business in the digital economy, B2B applications, and major models of Digital-business. Understanding the enterprise systems and the supply chain, global and inter-organizational information systems, building an Digital-Business, network computing for collaboration practical cases, impact on business, EB strategy.
BUIS3101-2023S1 Advanced Web Design
The Advanced Web Design course is to prepare students for being able to work as an entry level professional with professional web design team. The course will mix of theoretical and practical skills required for web content management and client-side/server-side functionality using HTML/CSS/JavaScript/PHP/My SQL.
BUBS3401-2023S1 Small Business Management
The small business environment, finance, business planning, market research, entrepreneurial skills, buyer-supplier relationships, market leadership, use of information technology, marketing, licensing and franchising, communications and culture, management and professional support.
BUAC3102-2023S1 Auditing II
The auditing course is offered a basic orientation in accounting so that students can understand its connectivity among other courses of the accounting program.
BUAC3101-2023S1 Intermediate Accounting II
Intermediate Accounting II (BUAC3101) is one of the most important courses at level-3 that is offered to learn students; how to Prepare financial statements with adjustments, describing and applying the method of determining a lease type (i.e. an operating or finance lease), explaining the effect of taxable temporary differences on accounting and taxable profits and calculating the earning per share (EPS) and diluted EPS in accordance with relevant accounting standards. Critical thinking and communication skills are developed through a variety of means including case analyses, solving sample exercises.