TRAN3224-2023S2 Culture and Translation
Translation of written texts is an activity that crosses not only languages, but also cultures. Accordingly, the course seeks to approach cross-cultural communication from a Translation Studies perspective, building on work done at Diploma level, sensitize students to the way cultural differences manifest themselves in written texts, and provide them with tools to address the challenges these pose in the interlingual translation of different text types.

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TRAN3222-2023S2 Terminology for Translators
This course introduces the theoretical bases and applications of terminology in translation. It provides the student with basic competencies in solving terminological problems which translators face and in creating terminological resources for translation. It exposes students to principles of terminology standardization and offers hands-on practice with the design and development of multilingual terminology projects using major terminology management tools for term extraction, glossary building, and different aspects related to terminology work.

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