TESOL5216-2019S2 Curriculum Design and Evaluation

The course explores the development of English Language programs that are responsive to the needs of learners.  It introduces students to key issues including an underpinning philosophical basis for learner oriented curriculum design and development.  The course initiates students to the design of curricula that take into account the concepts of situational analysis, needs analysis, goal setting, as well as syllabus design and adaptation. Equally, it develops critical evaluation skills develop in them the ability to evaluate courses based with reference to theories of language teaching and learning, pedagogical approaches in English Language education, socio-cultural factors in context and learner needs.  


This course discusses fundamental issues in language testing and assessment necessary for reliable, valid and effective assessment and testing. It aims to provide a conceptual foundation for answering practical questions regarding the development and use of language tests as well as to provide experience in critiquing and developing second language and foreign language classroom test and assessment materials, thus developing necessary expertise in the implementation of efficient and sound assessment and testing approaches, methods and practices.

THSS6212-2019S2 Thesis B: Thesis Writing

As a continuation of Research Methodology course and Thesis A course, this course builds on the students’ grasp of the concepts introduces and practiced in TESOL5115 and THSS6113 courses. It engages students in an independent research project for their research thesis under proper supervision. Students at this stage are expected to demonstrate a very good command of research process including identification of the English language teaching-learning problem, data collection, analysis, interpretation and presentation. The course encourages students to work together with government and private schools to forge applied research projects so that local cases are developed for experience sharing.