MBA101-2020S1 Managerial Economics

This course aims to equip students with functions of managerial economics and empirically examine its relationship to economic theories, management decision sciences, and the functional areas of business administration studies

MBA103-2020S1 Human Resource Management

This course will provide an overview of key topics in managing people in modern-day organizations building on classical perspectives offered by relevant disciplines such as HRM and OB. By exploring theories and practices surrounding human resource activities/systems, special emphasis will be placed on building skills for the future human resource professionals. Topics covered include foundations of OB and HRM, leadership, the relationship between the organization and the individuals, creation of organizational cultures and effectiveness, learning and development as well as issues surrounding employee well-being and engagement.

MBA302-2020S1 Managerial Accounting
The aim of this course is to provide students with the managerial skills to analyze and make decisions. MBA students within this course will be exposed to the decision making process in terms of planning, directing and controlling.

MBA503-2020S1 Research Methods

This course aims to equip students with the necessary skills needed to conduct a research project by providing theoretical and practical preparation. Mainly, it provides the necessary skills for writing a literature review, quantitative and qualitative methods along with an ethical research proposal.

MBA301-2020S1 Financial Management

The aim of this course is to deliver a clear understanding of successful acquisition and deployment strategies of capital resources in connection with the principles, concepts and techniques of financial management, financial markets, use of financial derivatives and working capital management.