TRAN4214-2022S1 Project/Practicum

The project represents the culmination of the students’ training. It is a large-scale assignment that is meant to show the students’ abilities in handling translation projects at the different linguistic and professional levels required. Each student is to be assigned to a project supervisor who will produce a report on the progress stages and achievements. The project is to be discussed and evaluated in a mini viva.

In the practicum variant, the student is placed in a professional environment for the total duration of the term under local supervision. The local supervisor is to submit a report on the performance of the student. The student has to submit an extended report at the end of the training period detailing the tasks performed with an analytical evaluation of the work. The project is to be discussed and evaluated in a mini viva.

Course Image Credits

TRAN4115-2022S1 Documentary Research & Translation tools
The course offers a comprehensive overview of and hands-on training in electronic tools available to the translator first for the documentary research (terminological and topic-wise) necessary before starting a translation, and second for the translation and post-translation process, such as Computer Assisted Translation (CAT) and Translation Memory (TM).

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TRAN4213-2022S1 Translation: Theoretical & Workplace Issues
This course introduces students to attitudinal aspects through an overview of translation studies and related workplace issues. The first of the two components outline the development of translation studies through different stages and eras, starting from the Roman era up to the present. The second component of the course focuses on important professional facts that range from workplace and job environment aspects to professional performance competencies. It also provides a special attention to deontological and ethical aspects in addition to legislative matters governing the translation profession.

ENGL4112-2022S1 Intro to Law & International Relations
The course aims to develop students’ awareness of Law and International Relations by introducing a selection of the terminology and concepts related to these two areas. Through exposure to a number of texts and case studies related to law and International Relations, the course intends to broaden students’ knowledge and culture and enable them to embark on specialized translation.

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LING4113 - 2022S1 Language Acquisition & Learning
  • Teacher: Mohsen Khedri
  • Enrolled students: There are no students enrolled in this course.